Set of core specimens prepared to be used as controls across the Consortium for assay comparison is available.
The work packages 2, 6 and 7 have been working together to address the overarching aspects of Milestone 15. With this Milestone, a report is provided and a set of core specimens to be used as controls across consortium for assay comparison.
Core specimens (defined samples) are materials containing pathogens with known quantity/pathogen load. They are intended to be shared between COMPARE partners at least during project duration, but optimally for a longer period. They can be used for validation of harmonized analytical workflows (WP2, task 2) and in-house workflows, analytic frameworks for frontline diagnostics (WP6, task 1) and foodborne outbreaks (WP7, task 1) or ring trials for example. The samples can also be used to contribute to the Deliverables D2.5-D2.7 (Testing results of molecular analytical workflow in ring trials).
The core specimens are stored by the sample provider (COMPARE partners) and are made available (in most cases) as ready-to-use (ready-to-ship) aliquots. The specimen list will be updated when further samples can be made available. For details and contact persons, see the Milestone 15 report that is available on the COMPARE Share Site (closed site for COMPARE participants).