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23 OCT

EC publishes COMPARE success story

The EC has published a success story about COMPARE – ‘Sharing data key to tackling major disease outbreaks'

Update May 2020
27 MAY

Global Sewage Surveillance Project, Update May 2020

An update to the Global Sewage Surveillance Project has been issued.

25 MAR

New VEO project to forecast, nowcast and track emerging infectious diseases

Versatile Emerging infectious disease Observatory (VEO) project started 01 January 2020.

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26 FEB

COVID-19 outbreak page in the Pathogens Portal

We now have a dedicated web page for data at the EBI regarding Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on the Pathogens Portal.

06 JAN

Article on Data Hubs Published

An article on the COMPARE data hubs has been published in Database.

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19 JUN

COMPARE Update – Spring 2019 Available

The Update -  Spring 2019 from the COMPARE Consortium is now available.

Singapore 2
28 MAR

GMI12, Draft Programme Available

The 12th Global Microbial Identifier Meeting will be held 12-14 June 2019, Singapore. The registration platform is now open.

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08 MAR

Analysis of global sewage published

The analysis of sewage collected in 74 cities in 60 countries has yielded the first, comparable global data on antimicrobial resistance has now been published in Nature...

Gen Mtg 2019
21 JAN

Young COMPARE Meeting 2019

Reminder that abstracts are due 22 January 2019

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19 DEC

The COMPARE Update Fall 2018 is now available

An Update from the COMPARE project is now available. This Update covers from April 2018 through September 2018.

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27 JULY 2024