
Milestones 6 and 7 are available for comment

Tuesday 19 Jan 16
Within WP1: Risk assessment and risk-based sampling, we have reached two of our Milestones; MS6 and MS7.

The documents can be found on the COMPARE Share Site under the Milestones folder. WP1 would be grateful for your feedback and comments to be sent to Amie Adkin ( by 14 February 2016.

Milestones 6: Common protocol drafted with target pathogens and transmission modes for model development
We welcome feedback and comments from all WPs on this risk framework and taking it forward, and would particularly welcome feedback from our partners in WP 5/8 to ensure we are providing you with the types of relative risk/input information you require.

Milestone 7: Inventory of existing sampling and storage protocols completed
Feedback and comments on the usability of the inventory and coverage (food, human and animal populations) would be useful for its on-going development - it is hoped that the inventory may be developed to be searchable online if a sustainable host site can be found.
7 MARCH 2025