
The discovery of the new colistin resistance gene

Friday 04 Dec 15
Statens Serum Institute (SSI) and the EURL AMR at the Technical University in Denmark (DTU Food), both in Denmark, have after the release of the discovery of the new colistin resistance gene, mcr-1 from China, investigated more than 3000 genomes from our databases and discovered its presence in Denmark.

Statens Serum Institute (SSI) and the EURL AMR at the Technical University in Denmark (DTU Food), both in Denmark, have after the release of the discovery of the new colistin resistance gene, mcr-1 from China, investigated more than 3000 genomes from our databases.

Unfortunately, we found in one patient who suffered from a E. coli blood infection in 2015 and in five food samples (E. coli) that have been imported during 2012-2014 harboring both the SHV-12 and MCR-1 genes.

This was possible within hours due to next generation sequencing, the ResFinder tool ( and rapid dissemination of the resistance gene from the authors.

More information is available via Stat News and a DTU press release.
15 DECEMBER 2024