Conference contributions

Grand Challenges meeting, London, UK, 24-26 October 2016

     New horizons in EID detection: the era of next generation sequencing and bioinformatics

     A global platform for the sequence-based rapid identification of pathogens

6th European Congress of Virology, Hamburg, Germany, 19-22 October 2016

    The merging of fields through NGS applications in emerging infectious diseases 

UNSGM biological analysis network – natural, accidental or deliberate outbreak? Umeå, Sweden, 5-6 October 2016

     A global platform for sequence-based rapid identification of pathogens

ECDC expert consultation on ECDC strategy to harness Whole genome sequencing for cross-border outbreak and surveillance, Stockholm, Sweden, 19 November 2015

    A global platform for the sequence-based rapid identification of pathogens 

LinkTADs (Linking Epidemiology and Laboratory Research on Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses in EU and China), IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria, 12-13 October 2015 

    Infectious disease detection in the era of NeXT generation sequences: opportunities, challenges and the COMPARE project

9th International Symposium on Avian Influenza, Athens GA, USA, April 12-15, 2015

    Spread of H5N8 to Europe: role of wild birds in epidemiology

Workshop on Next Generation Sequencing of Viruses, Paris, France, 20-21 May 2015

    Virus Discovery