RIVM (9)

Partner 9 Rijks Instituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM is a governmental research and knowledge institute providing policy support to the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture Nature and Food Quality, the National Food Authority, and several National Inspectorates. RIVM has a staff of 1500 employees who are working in 30 units divided over four divisions each managed by a division director. RIVM is a recognized centre of expertise in the fields of health, infectious diseases, nutrition and food safety and environment and safety and has a proven track record regarding the execution of EU funded projects (Table 1). Our experts participate in various international networks and are members of many international scientific committees and experts panels of the EU. Moreover, RIVM harbors several EU Community Reference Laboratories and WHO Collaborating Centres. The Center for Infectious Disease Control (CIb) of RIVM is the authority in the Netherlands dealing with prevention, surveillance and control of infectious diseases. CIb monitors national and international data on infectious diseases and signals potential epidemics in an early phase. CIb forms a bridge between science, policy and daily practice, using existing expertise by collaborating with universities, professionals and other relevant organizations. CIb has extensive experience in organizing national and international workshops and conferences. CIb is the liaison body for international organizations such as the EU, WHO and ECDC. It consists of two laboratories, the Laboratory for Infectious Diseases and Screening and the Laboratory for Zoonoses and Environmental Microbiology and three units, Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit, Policy, Management and Advice Unit, and the Preparedness and Response Unit. 
Principle Investigator: George Haringhuizen, george.haringhuizen@rivm.nl
14 DECEMBER 2024