The General Assembly (GA) - Consists of the principal investigators of the beneficiaries

 DTU Partner 1 Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
DTU is the largest technical university in Denmark with more than 5,000 employees and organized in 19 institutes and 9 centers. Two different research groups are involved in this proposal; from DTU Food and Center for Biological Sequence Analysis (CBS). 
Principle Investigator: Frank M. Aarestrup,
  Partner 2 Erasmus University Medical Center (Erasmus MC)
Erasmus MC is the largest university medical centre in the Netherlands. The Department of Viroscience at Erasmus MC (see employs more than 110 persons of different disciplines and runs an extensive research program on viral infections of humans and animals, with specific interests in viral zoonoses, pathogenesis and transmission and natural and vaccine-induced immunity. 
Principle Investigator: Marion Koopmans, 
  Partner 3 Statens Serum Institut (SSI)
Statens Serum Institut (SSI) is a public enterprise under the Danish Ministry of Health. For more than 100 years SSI’s main task has been to secure the preparedness towards infectious diseases and congenital disorders. 
Principle Investigator: Kåre Mølbak/
Eva Møller Nielsen,
  Partner 4 Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI)
The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) is a federal research institute and independent higher federal authority under the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. 
Principle Investigator: Martin Beer,
  Partner 5 Agence Nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environment et du travail (ANSES)
The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) was founded on 1 July 2010 from the merger of the French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA) and the French Agency for Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (AFSSET) (see
Principle Investigator: Sophie Roussel,
  Partner 6 Robert Koch-Institute (RKI)
The Robert Koch-Institute is the federal government’s central institution for public health protection and advice in Germany.  
Principle Investigator: Guido Werner,
  Partner 7 European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL; was established in 1974 and is supported by over twenty countries. 
Principle Investigator: Guy Cochrane,
  Partner 8 Istituto Superiore di Sanita (ISS)
The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) is the leading technical and scientific public body of the Italian National Health Service. 
Principle Investigator: Simone Caccio,
  Partner 9 Rijks Instituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM)
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM is a governmental research and knowledge institute providing policy support to the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture Nature and Food Quality, the National Food Authority, and several National Inspectorates. 
Principle Investigator: George Haringhuizen,

Partner 10 Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)
The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) is an Executive Agency of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). 
Principle Investigator: Andrew Breed/ Emma Snary,
  Partner 11 University of Edinburgh (UEDIN)
The University of Edinburgh has 19,527 undergraduate and 8,867 postgraduate students and 3,315 academic staff. 
Principle Investigator: Mark Woolhouse,
  Partner 12 University of Bonn Medical Centre (UK-Bonn)
The University of Bonn Medical Centre (UK-Bonn) is a German university teaching hospital with 1,400 beds and several outpatient clinics located in the most populous area of the country. 
Principle Investigator: Christian Drosten
Note: Partner 12 left the Consortium as of 19 October 2017

  Partner 13 Academic Medical Center (AMC)
The Academic Medical Center (AMC) houses the university hospital and the medical faculty of the University of Amsterdam and is one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands with 1002 beds, 60.000 admissions and 350.000 outpatient visits each year. 
Principle Investigator: Menno de Jong,
  Partner 14 University of Antwerp (UA)
The University of Antwerp (UA) ranks amongst Europe’s leading universities in terms of relative scientific impact scores in the natural and biomedical sciences (EU Science and Technology Indicators for 2003). 
Principle Investigator: Herman Goossens,
  Partner 15 Artemis One Health BV (Artemis)
ARTEMIS is an SME, dealing primarily with both infectious and non infectious causes of wildlife disease. 
Principle Investigator: Albert Osterhaus,
  Partner 16 University of Cambridge (UCAM)
The University of Cambridge of is the second-oldest university in the English speaking world (after the University of Oxford), and the fourth-oldest surviving university in the world. 
Principle Investigator: Derek Smith,
  Partner 17 Tierärtzliche Hochschüle Hannover (TIHO)
The University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) is one of the oldest Veterinary Schools in the world.  
Principle Investigator: Wolfgang Baumgärtner,
  Partner 18 Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (UCLM)
UCLM is a leading institution in animal health research in Spain and has a growing medicine faculty.  
Principle Investigator: Christian Gortazar,
  Partner 19 Fondation Mérieux (FMER)
Fondation Mérieux established in 1967, is an independent family foundation, recognized as a state approved charity and has a long history in global health with the mission to strengthen local capacities in developing countries to reduce the impact of infectious diseases on vulnerable population (see 
Principle Investigator: Hubert Endtz,
  Partner 20 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) is the largest university in Greece. The Department of Microbiology in the Medical School of AUTH has 5 units, and houses 3 National Reference Centres: for arboviruses and hemorrhagic fever viruses, for HIV/AIDS and for influenza. 
Principle Investigator: Anna Papa,

Partner 21 French Public Institute for Marine Research (IFREMER)
IFREMER is the French marine institute and contributes, through studies and expert assessments, to knowledge about the ocean and its resources, monitoring of marine and coastal zones and the sustainable development of maritime activities. 
Principle Investigator: Soizick Le Guyader,

  Partner 22 Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
The institute of Health Policy & Management (see is part of the Medical and Health Sciences Faculty of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. 
Principle Investigator: Werner Brouwer,
  Partner 23 The Australian National University (ANU)
The National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at ANU (see is a multi-disciplinary centre, with a major research them in infectious disease epidemiology and modelling. 
Principle Investigator: Martyn Kirk,
  Partner 24 WIGNER RCP
Wigner Research Centre for Physics is one of the largest research centres of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, covering leading research areas in physics, high performance computing and various multidisciplinary topics. 
Principle Investigator: Istvan Csabai,
  Partner 25 Civic Consulting GmbH (CIVIC)
Civic Consulting is a Berlin-based economic and public policy consultancy supporting European and international institutions, as well as national governments, through policy evaluation and economic research, including cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis. 
Principle Investigator: Frank Alleweldt,
  Partner 26 Responsible Technology (RT)
Responsible Technology (RT) is a strategic consultancy devoted to Responsible Research and Innovation.
Principle Investigator: Emilio Mordini,
  Partner 27 University of Bologna (UNIBO)
The University of Bologna (UNIBO), created in 1088, is recognized as the oldest university in the western world, and one of the largest in Italy (with more than 85,000 enrolled students per year). 
Principle Investigator: Gerardo Manfreda,
  Partner 28 Leibniz-Institut GmbH (DSMZ)
The Leibniz Institute DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen, German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures; is one of the largest biological resource centers worldwide.
Principle Investigator: Ulrich Nübel,
  Partner 29 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (WTSI)
The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (WTSI) sequenced 30% of the human genome and now focuses on understanding the role of genetics in health and disease. 
Principle Investigator: David Aanensen
 Charite Partner 30 Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin (CHARITE)
The Institute of Virology in the Helmut Ruska Building represents with its staff the subject of clinical, molecular and general virology in research and teaching and is integrated into health-care by comprehensive virological diagnostics. The institute is situated on the campus Charité Mitte.
Principle Investigator: Christian Drosten,