The Expert Advisory Panels (EAPs)

The identification of the needs and concerns of the heterogeneous users of COMPARE and the translation into desired functionalities is not a one-off exercise. It is an ongoing process, to be continued throughout the development of COMPARE and crucial to promote broad European and global sustainable uptake of COMPARE.

For this reason, COMPARE will build in an ongoing, transparent and efficient process of user consultations in Expert Advisory Panels, safeguarding that the perspectives from the users from all sectors, domains, pathogens, and roles are adequately incorporated into the design of COMPARE.

The Expert Advisory Panels (EAPs) play a crucial role in COMPARE as they function as the main link between COMPARE and its future users. The EAPs will provide the Working Groups with expert feedback as future users and stakeholders on the objectives, approaches, results and activities of COMPARE.

The EAPs are installed for the duration of COMPARE to fulfil the following overall role:

To provide the COMPARE Working Groups with independent, expert, solicited and unsolicited advice and feedback on its (intended and conducted) activities and (envisaged and achieved) outputs.

The purpose of the EAPs in COMPARE is to ensure a direct influx of the perspectives and requests of COMPARE’s main intended users and stakeholders to facilitate that the COMPARE analytical framework will serve their needs. The EAPs, however, have an advisory role in COMPARE.

Any questions or correspondence regarding the Expert Advisory Panels should be directed to compare.eap@erasmusmc.nl


Martine van Roode
WP 11 Manager
Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam