UA (14)

Partner 14 University of Antwerp (UA)
The University of Antwerp (UA) ranks amongst Europe’s leading universities in terms of relative scientific impact scores in the natural and biomedical sciences (EU Science and Technology Indicators for 2003). The Laboratory of Medical Microbiology (LMM) is part of the Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute at UA and has an international reputation in investigating the impact of antibiotic use and emergence of antimicrobial resistance both at the ecologic and individual level, the latter by utilizing state-of-the-art molecular techniques as well as developing molecular diagnostic tests for clinical applications. The lab plays a key role in several European projects (COMBACTE, PREPARE) aimed at preparing Europe to address major infectious disease threats (MDR bacteria and viruses). LMM is also one of two central labs involved in a European public health initiative aiming to set up a database of whole genome maps of bacterial pathogens causing outbreaks.
Principle Investigator: Herman Goossens,