UCLM (18)

Partner 18 Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (UCLM)
UCLM is a leading institution in animal health research in Spain and has a growing medicine faculty. UCLM provides the consortium with facilities for sample collection, molecular characterization and functional genomics studies of bacterial, viral and parasitic pathogens. Pathogen taxa of special interest are Mycobacterium, Anaplasma and vector-borne agents. The IREC institute at UCLM is Spain’s scientific reference in zoonotic diseases shared between wildlife and livestock (www.SaBio-IREC.com). The group gives scientific and technical advice to regional and national government agencies for wildlife, animal health and human health, and has links to medical hospitals and a broad network of collaborating institutes to perform research on zoonotic disease epidemiology. 
Principle Investigator: Christian Gortazar, christian.gortazar@uclm.es