UEDIN (11)

Partner 11 University of Edinburgh (UEDIN)
The University of Edinburgh has 19,527 undergraduate and 8,867 postgraduate students and 3,315 academic staff. Its annual research income amounts to ca. 709 million Euros and it is ranked one of the top 5 universities for research in the UK. COMPARE will involve key personnel from both the Epidemiology and Phylodynamics Research Groups. The Epidemiology Research Group (Epigroup) is led by Professor Mark Woolhouse. The group’s research concerns the development of a formal, quantitative understanding of the dynamics of parasites and pathogens within hosts and host populations with particular emphasis on informing the design of infectious disease surveillance and intervention strategies. The group has worked extensively on the epidemiology of emerging viral and bacterial pathogens, including influenza and MRSA. 
Principle Investigator: Mark Woolhouse, mark.woolhouse@ed.ac.uk
15 JANUARY 2025