UK-Bonn (12)

Partner 12 University of Bonn Medical Centre (UK-Bonn)
The University of Bonn Medical Centre (UK-Bonn) is a German university teaching hospital with 1,400 beds and several outpatient clinics located in the most populous area of the country. The Institute of Virology was founded in 2007 and provides diagnostic service to UK-Bonn, covering all human viruses and producing over 80,000 diagnostic records annually. The scientific focus of the Institute of Virology lies in the investigation of emerging viruses, including arthropod-borne agents. UK-Bonn (including the Institute of Virology) is one of seven partner sites of the newly-founded German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF). The Institute of Virology acts as the German Reference laboratory for coronaviruses.
Principle Investigator: Christian Drosten

Note: Partner 12 left the Consortium as of 19 October 2017.