Food Safety

Expert Advisory Panel Food Safety

COMPARE Counterpart Working Group Leader:
Eva Møller Nielsen, SSI

The following are members of the EAP Food Safety:

Ernesto Liebana
Beatriz Guerra Román
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 
Masami T. Takeuchi Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Marc Allard Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 
Alisdair Wotherspoon Food Standards Agency 
Pamina Suzuki Directorate Food safety (DG SANTE) 
Lourens Heres  Sonac, The Netherlands 
John Chapman Unilever, The Netherlands 
Leen Baert, John Donaghy  Nestlé


Eva Møller Nielsen
Senior Scientist
Statens Serum Institut


Martine van Roode
WP 11 Manager
Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam
27 JULY 2024